INS Bass is important to India ?

INS Bass is important to India ? - International News Analysis

INS Bass is important to India ?

India is fastest growing country in every aspect. India is just simply give lesson in many ways to their enemy.

By crashing their economy or by getting together with there allies and just throw them out from their community. Its as simple as it can be.

Basically India work on the principals of Chanakya which give ideas to destroy enemy without using any weapon or touching it. But in the present Modern world we have to work on both Chanakya theory and AI of the enemy and best uses Geo-political and geography.

Now what happen on INS Bass

Actually recently Indian Navy Chief Admiral Karambir Singh visited INS Baaz, It is the Southernmost air station of the Indian personal stationed there. He observer  the staff, the arrangement and facility

The Main question is that Is INS Baaz is a ship or a base ?

INS Baaz is an Indian naval air station under the joint-services Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) of the Indian Armed Forces. It is located near Campbell Bay, on Great Nicobar island in the Andaman & Nicobar islands.

It overlooks the Strait of Malacca as well as the Six Degree Channel between Great Nicobar and the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

Take a look on map so that we  can understand it properly.

INS Bass is important to India ? - International News Analysis

Actually strait is small narrow between the piece of land through there water will pass. Though
Strait of Malacca is the gate way of oil transport to China ,Japan, Korean country and other too.

It is a very important site for India to look eastward with power and use this strait to choke oil supply of those country when they show aggression to India.

India  simply know its strategic important for future use and naval-warfare and show the domains in Indian Ocean. That's why India Build INS Baaz in Nicobar island.

At INS Baaz Indian Navy has been flying new Boeing P8i Poseidon surveillance capabilities from India to Port Blair. Basically INS Baaz is in work from 2012 and after few year after open it they deploy P8i Poseidon to counter China because it a submarine hunter it  drop bombs too and lunch torpedo.

INS Bass is important to India ? - International News Analysis

Indian Navy has use Andaman and Nicobar island chain in  a very right manner and seeing the future from there.

They build two naval base first one is INS Bazz and another one is INS Kohassa. And it recently ready for the duty. It is ready in 2019, it is an Indian naval air station under the joint-services Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) of the Indian Armed Forces. it is located At Shibpur, a village located on North Andaman island.

INS Bass is important to India ? - International News Analysis

Additional Information:-

Basically Andaman And Nicobar Command is the First and only Tri-service theater command of the Indian Armed Forces, based at Port Blair in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a Union Territory of India.

At Andaman and Nicobar island there are 4 Air bases and 3 Naval air bases, basically one air base is under control of Air force there is no Naval cooperation.

INS Bass is important to India ? - International News AnalysisAndaman and Nicobar islands help India to improve its foreign relation and here is the example:- Indonesia 

Relations with Indonesia have not always been smooth. In the 1950s Indonesia was against India in many ways.
They threaten India that they support China in 1962 war and Pakistan in 1965 war and support them in every forum. Indonesian president Sukarno just claim the land of Andaman and Nicobar island in early 1960s and says that Indian ocean is an Indonesian ocean and demanded it to be recognise it. Their supply arms to Pakistan and he reportedly even offered to open a naval front in Bay of Bengal in support of Islamabad during the 1965 war although he was never carried out the threat. 

But after heavy deployment of Indian Navy in that region they start showing soft Connor toward India and they understand that if they have to live there and be safe from the Chinese aggression they have to support India with soft heart.

India is planing a larger plans in that region with France.

India to deploy Naval aircraft at Frances La Réunion for joint surveillance Mission.

What France said in his speech read it:-

We are working very closely with India. In the first quarter of 2020, a patrol aircraft from the Indian Navy will deployed at La Réunion to participate in surveillance mission,  said Macron. 

Have a look to a La Réunion island. it is in Indian Ocean 

INS Bass is important to India ? - International News Analysis

Now a Indian aircraft is there for surveillance and connect it from here to Andaman Nicobar island...

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