Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda.

Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda. - International News Analysis

Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda.

This topic is very much important for Indians and Pakistani too because Indians know that the intention of Pakistan after 1971 war and after the liberation  of Bangladesh.

Topic are:-

. What is the idea
. Concerns
. Indian reaction
. Khalistani Movement
. IB Report

Kartarpur Corridor is a blessing of the god and waheguru because Pakistan is a country in which mainly Islam is promoted in its full form and other religion is neglected by them rest is a history.

Lets begin.
Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda. - International News Analysis

What is the idea.

Kartarpur is place in Pakistan in Punjab region of Pakistan and the gurudwara is just beside the Ravi river Kartarpur is holy place of Sikh community.

Pakistan is very much excited to build a corridor by which peoples of India will come to see the Kartarpur and it is also a demanded by Indian Sikh community. Government of India and Pakistan meet and decide to make a corridor by people can come.

Pakistani government demanded that only Indian will come and they will only go to see Khartarpur and they were not allowed to go any other places like Lahore and Islamabad and $20 will charge by Pakistan from the visitors.

No any other country man will allowed to go there with Indian passport or other country and no Pakistani will allowed to go India to see there places.

All the demands were accepted by both the country. and the construction had started India will extent a road to connect the corridor and touch the border.

Pakistan will construct a road, a bridge to cross the Ravi river and develop the gurudwara.

Indian side work had completed on time and the wait is for the completion of work from Pakistani side.

Latest news update:-

We are very much shock because Pakistani Government is not this type because all the work done by Government will delay or extent the date.

Actually Government of Pakistan is very much excite to complete it on time because India and Pakistan promote it world wide and it is the issue of pride for both the nation. But the main excitement to complete it on time is something els for Pakistan.


Many picture were coming out from Kartarpur which show the evil side of Pakistan and ISI agenda, Anti-Indian propaganda. Here is some.

Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda. - International News Analysis

Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda. - International News Analysis

- In the first one they put this poster inside the kartarpur gurudhwara in which they write that when 1971 war is on its top Indian bomber drops bombs at kartarpur gurudhwara but they miss it. but actually non of this happen Indian bomber never drop a single bomb near kartarpur.

Basically this is a clear agenda of ISI to provocat Indian Sikh community against India by showing this to them, and rise the voice for Khalistan.

- In second one, Basically this is a video in which 3 Khalistani supporter is there and demand to come together to rise the voice against India and demand for Khalistan. This is recorded on 1970s to 1980s because at that time war in going on and a new nation has born Bangladesh.

ISI plans to rise the voice for Khalistan from Indian side too, This is a very big tension for India.

Indian Reaction.

Is Kartarpur is dangerous to India:- Pakistan is using it as Anti-Indian Propaganda. - International News Analysis

The Ministry of External Affairs asked Pakistan to remove the video and printed  material featuring three Kahlistani leaders including Jarnail singh Bhindranwale.

The MEA said that Pakistan had assured India that they will not allow any Anti-India elements during the pilgrimage but it has tied to undermine the sprite of the whole arrangement.

Many experts said that this type of work done by Pakistan will effect in relationship between country and it also start terrorism in Punjab. even CM of Punjab Amarider singh said that he smells conspiracy in Pakistan move to open kartarpur corridor, says Punjab is on Alert.

Khalistan Movement.

The Khalistan movement is a Sikh separatist movement, which seeks to create a separate country called Khalistan.

In 1971, the first explicit call for Khalistan was made in an advertisement published in The New York Times by an expat Jagit singh Chohan.

In 2008, India's Intelligence Bureau indicated that Pakistan's Inter-services Intelligence organisation was trying to revive Sikh militancy.

IB Report 

The IB report says the Ludhiana blasts of October 2007 indicate that the ISI is desperately trying to revive Sikh militancy which had died a natural death in the late 1980s. The ISI has taken upon itself to roil Punjab so that it could have a partner in out terror operations.

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